Mobile Menu of Trainer Jo who is Personal Trainer in Bangkok, Thailand

Personal Training Evaluation Form

1. Trainer Jo schedules appointments and returns phone calls quickly.
2. Trainer Jo is always prompt.
3. Trainer Jo behaves in a professional manner.
4. Trainer Jo answers my questions in a clear manner.
5. Trainer Jo demonstrates difficult techniques in a way I can follow.
6. Trainer Jo provides feedback to ensure correct form on all exercises.
7. Trainer Jo helps me achieve my goals.
8. Trainer Jo keeps me motivated to continue my exercise program.
9. Trainer Jo gives me the ability to use the fitness center on my own.
10. Trainer Jo gives me the initiative to exercise outside of our scheduled sessions.
11. I would recommend Trainer Jo to other people.
12. Are you satisfied with the communication from Trainer Jo regarding the scheduling of personal training?
13. Do you feel that you are kept up to date throughout your contract with regards to the remaining sessions?
14. Please feel free to provide us with any additional comments